Encircled Life Ceremonies

Easing a loss with the very young through Ceremony and Ritual

Recently I was asked by a young widow to create and officiate a funeral for her 35-year-old husband who died suddenly and unexpectedly from an undiagnosed cancer. This woman had two young boys, 2 ½ and 4 years of age. I asked her if she wanted to include her boys in the ceremony, but she […]

The Hero’s Return: Celebrating a New Life in Recovery

For those who suffer from a chronic substance use disorder (CSUD), and are incapable of being honest with themselves, there are usually only three eventual outcomes – prison, institutions, or death. These people become victims of their disease. Some CSUD sufferers however find another path – that of recovery. These people are heroes who deserve […]

How I came to be a Celebrant

My journey to becoming a Celebrant began a long time ago with a question that I intentionally posed to the Universe – “How can I live a more compassionate life?” The Universe answered me probably many times – though I missed most of those answers because I was too busy, or I had other more […]