Discover Kevin Butler
Kevin Butler is a Life-Cycle Celebrant® with certifications through the Celebrant Foundation and Institute specializing in Funerals, Weddings, Healing and Transitions.
An ordained non-denominational minister, Kevin assists people of all faiths and traditions who are ready to begin new lives together as a couple, celebrate the life of a loved one, or who wish to mark life-changing transitions and are ready acknowledge crossing the thresholds of endings while embracing new beginnings in a significant way. For every new journey we embark on in this life we deserve to be acknowledged, supported and celebrated.
Kevin brings compassion, creativity, positive energy and an in-depth knowledge of ritual and ceremony to help you create a one-of-a-kind personalized celebrations tailored to your specific needs. With and education in communications and theater, and as a National Park Service Park Ranger interpreting the cultural and natural wonders of our country, Kevin’s skills in writing, collaboration, and presentation will help you craft an exclusively unique and memorable event.